English translation for "sage"
- [ seidʒ ]
 SAGE =semiautomatic ground environment 半自动地面防空警备系体。 n. 塞奇〔姓氏〕。 adj. 1.聪明的,明智的,贤明的;精明的。 2.〔戏谑语〕像煞聪明的;道貌岸然的。 n. 〔常谑〕圣人,贤人,哲人。 the sage of the village 〔戏谑语〕三家村学究。 the seven sages 希腊七贤〔通常指 Solon, Thales, Pittacus, Bias, Chilo, Periander 及 Cleobulus 〕。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. 短语和例子 sage2 n. 【植物;植物学】 1.鼠尾草;鼠尾草[洋苏]叶〔药用、食用〕。 2.一串红〔又称 scarlet sage〕。 3.=sagebrush.
Related Translations:
sage hen: 【动物;动物学】母艾草鸡;〔S- H-〕 〔美俚〕 Nevada 州人的浑名。 seven sages: 希腊七贤〔有几种说法,最通常指 Bias, Chilon, Cleobulus, Periander, Pittacus, Solon, Thales〕。
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | The sage gave advice to his friends . 那位圣贤向他的朋友提出忠告。 | | 2. | Confucius is considered the greatest of the ancient chinese sages . 孔子被认为是古代中国最伟大的圣人。 | | 3. | This sage conclave disputed high and drank deep . 在这次雅集中,这批仁人君子争得面红耳赤,喝得醉意淋漓。 | | 4. | The sages of greece and rome turned aside from the awful spectacle . 希腊和罗马的贤哲却绝不顾及这种可怖的奇观。 | | 5. | He was more contented in making shoes, than was any of the seven sages . 他对于自己的制鞋工作,比七大圣人还要满足。 | | 6. | It was the sage himself who taught that it is easier to move mountains than to change the hearts of men . 圣人说得好,江山易改,秉性难移。 | | 7. | The ascetic saint and the detached sage fail in this respect to be complete human beings . 禁欲主义的圣徒和超然独处的贤哲在这方面算不上完整的人。 | | 8. | The wisdom of our sages and blood of our heroes have been devoted to the attainment principles . 我们圣哲们之智慧,我们英雄们之鲜血,都曾奉献出来实现这些原则。 | | 9. | After a few dashes in the public meeting way, mr. gradgrind and a council of political sages approved of jem . 在公共会场中显了一两次身手之后,葛擂硬先生和他那一群政友们很称许詹姆。 | | 10. | Silence ensued around the slumbering child, and the sages of the realm ceased from their deliberations . 寂静随即就笼罩在这熟睡的孩子周围,国家的贤人们也就不再施展他们的深谋远虑了。 |
- Similar Words:
- "sagdic" English translation, "sagdicoglu" English translation, "sagdinc" English translation, "sagdiyev" English translation, "sagdulla" English translation, "sage brennan" English translation, "sage brush" English translation, "sage bush" English translation, "sage cheese" English translation, "sage clary oil" English translation