He could see her meeting the boy at the door and smiling sardonically 他可以想象得到她怎么脸带讥笑在门口接待仆役。
He laughed sardonically , hastily took my hand , and as hastily threw it from him 他嘲弄地哈哈大笑起来,一下子抓住我的手,一下子又把它甩掉了。
Some say sardonically that combat pay is good and that one can do quite well out of this war 有些人讽刺地说战地的薪饷很不错,人们可藉这次战争赚到很多钱。
" it ' s like going into surgery , almost , " jackson said sardonically thursday , before his first turn at being miked up 星期四,在还没戴上麦克风之前杰克逊轻蔑地说: “感觉这好像在进行手术似的。 ”
That would be rather too much ! the princess interrupted him , smiling sardonically , with no change in the expression of her eyes . i am a woman , and you think we are all silly ; but i do know so much , that an illegitimate son cant inherit 公爵小姐打断他的话,露出恶意的微笑,也没有改变眼睛的表情, “我是个女人,依您看,我们都是些蠢货。
I dreamt of miss ingram all the night : in a vivid morning dream i saw her closing the gates of thornfield against me and pointing me out another road ; and mr . rochester looked on with his arms folded - smiling sardonically , as it seemed , at both her and me 我彻夜梦见英格拉姆小姐,在活灵活现的晨梦中,我看见她当着我关上了桑菲尔德的大门,给我指了指另外一条路。罗切斯特先生袖手旁观似乎对英格拉姆小姐和我冷笑着。