1957 dorothy l . sayers , english author of detective novels , died 英国侦探小说作家多萝西? l ?塞耶斯逝世。
So believe what you want to . there ' s always going to be nay sayers 人们想说什么就说什么,我根本挡不住。
Krobelus spent her living days as a fervent member of a cult of death sayers 克萝贝露丝生前是一个狂热的食死人。
Heenan and sayers was only a bloody fool to it . handed him the father and mother of a beating 那小个子连对方的肚脐眼儿都够不着,大个子净扑空了。
The world belongs to the true nobleman , to the great blond beasts , to the noncompromisers , to the yes - sayers 世界属于真正的高贵者,金头发白皮肤的伟大野兽,从不妥协的人,作出决断的人。
In clohissey s window a faded 1860 print of heenan boxing sayers held his eye . staring backers with square hats stood round the roped prizering 头戴大礼帽的助威者瞪大了眼睛站在圈了绳子的拳击场周围。