If his wit be not apt to distinguish or find differences , let him study the schoolmen ; for they are cymini sectores 缺乏分析判断力的人,他可以研习经院哲学,因为这门学问最讲究繁琐辩证。
If his wit be not apt to distinguish or find differences , let him study the schoolmen ; for they are cymini sectors 同此,如果一个人心志不专,他顶好研究数学;因为在数学的证理之中,如果他的精神稍有不专,他就非从头再做不可。
The schoolmen were schoolboys first , stephen said superpolitely . aristotle was once plato s schoolboy . - and has remained so , one should hope , john eglinton sedately said “学者也得先当学生呀, ”斯蒂芬极其客气地说, “亚理斯多德就曾经是柏拉图的学生。 ”