Building can keep on the development ' s sill . strategy of its competition should for then grow the business enterprise technique creative the ability be used as the deviation of the core competition ability the gathering the strategy . and attain the firster is to set up the technique internationalization the principle on the ideaabandon big but the whole thought , technique is creative to up insist to have for have not for ; the seconder is organizes to up establish developments , produce , sale nimble mechanism in orientation market of integral whole ; the third is talented person grows to establish a systemses to move to rise the manufacturing to become an advantage the fleetnesses just of encourage the mechanism 最后的结论是,庆铃公司的发展要想迈上新台阶,构筑可持续发展的基石,应将技术创新能力作为企业核心竞争力来培育,做到在观念上树立技术国际化理念、抛弃大而全思想,技术创新上“坚持有所为有所不为”突出重点的思维;在企业组织结构上建立开发、生产、销售一体化敏捷适应市场机制;在人才培育上建立“双轨制迁升制”形成一个有利快速成才的激励机制。