We have kitten available . if you are interested in our selkirk rex cats , please contact us at 现在我们有新生小猫,若大家对羊毛猫品种有兴趣,请电邮至
The name “ selkirk ” is in recognition of their grandfather ' s heritage . this scottish borde town was the ancestral home of the willson family 丝嘉是苏格兰周边的小镇,是为纪念祖父及伟信家族的祖藉。
Daniel defoe wrote the story of robinson crusoe suggested by the experience of alexander selkirk , a scotish sailor 丹尼尔?笛福是受到苏格兰水手亚历山大?塞尔扣克经历的启发,而写出《鲁滨逊漂流记》的。