Naoh addition can raise the level of sorbent reactivity and reduce the sorbent cost in a semidry or dry fgd process 添加氢氧化钠可以提升吸收剂之反应性,并且可降低半乾式或乾式烟道气除硫程序的成本。
Naoh was added to iron blast furnace slag ( bfs ) / hydrated lime ( hl ) slurries to prepare sorbents for semidry and dry flue gas desulfurization ( fgd ) processes 摘要本研究于炉石氢氧化钙泥浆中添加氢氧化钠以制备烟道气除硫吸收剂。
The results of this study are useful for the design and operation of dry or semidry processes that use bfs / hl sorbents to remove so2 from flue gas 本研究的结果有助于使用炉石/氢氧化钙作为吸收剂的乾式与半乾式除硫系统之设计与操作。