We have parted with the colt, and have only got a gross of green spectacles, with copper rims and shagreen cases . 我们把马卖了,只得了十二打的铜边鲨皮盒的绿眼镜。
Caderousse took from his pocket a small case of black shagreen , opened , and gave it to the jeweller 卡德鲁斯从他的口袋里摸出了一只黑鲛皮的小盒子,打开盒子,把钻石交给了珠宝商。
Calmly drawing forth from his pocket a small box covered with black shagreen , the abb opened it , and displayed to the dazzled eyes of caderousse the sparkling jewel it contained , set in a ring of admirable workmanship 教士不慌不忙地从他的口袋里摸出了一只黑鲛皮小盒子,打开盒子,在卡德鲁斯那惊喜的两眼面前露出一颗精工镶嵌在一只戒指上的光彩夺目的宝石。
" there was evidently a severe struggle in the mind of caderousse ; it was plain that the small shagreen case , which he turned over and over in his hand , did not seem to him commensurate in value to the enormous sum which fascinated his gaze “卡德鲁斯的脑子里显然在激烈地斗争着,在他看来,他拿在手里翻来复去的这只鲛皮小盒子,其价值显然是不足以和那吸引他目光的那一大笔钱相匹敌的。
He could distinguish amid the perfumes of the roses and heliotropes in the flower - stands , the sharp and fragrant odor of volatile salts , and he noticed in one of the chased cups on the mantle - piece the countess s smelling - bottle , taken from its shagreen case , and exclaimed in a tone of uneasiness , as he entered , - " my dear mother , have you been ill during my absence ? 花瓶里玫瑰花和紫薇花散发着芬芳的香味,但在花香之中,他可以辨别出一股刺鼻的嗅盐的气味,他又注意到伯爵夫人的嗅瓶已从鲛皮盒子里取出来放在壁架上的一只镂花银杯里。所以他一进来就用一种担心的口吻高声说道: “妈妈,我出去的时候您不舒服了吗? ”
A moment later he came down again , holding in his hand the small shagreen case , which he opened , to assure himself it contained the diamond , - seemed to hesitate as to which pocket he should put it in , then , as if dissatisfied with the security of either pocket , he deposited it in his red handkerchief , which he carefully rolled round his head 不久,他手里拿着那只鲛皮小盒子下来了,他打开盒子,看清楚了钻石的确仍旧在里面,然后,似乎又犹豫不定,不知该把它藏在哪个口袋里才好,他好象觉得哪个口袋都不够安全似的,最后他把它夹在了一条红手帕里,把手帕小心地盘在了他的头上。