Along with the rapid spread of urbanization has come the prolific growth of huge slums and shantytowns . 在城市化迅速发展的同时,贫民区的数目也不断增长。
Thousands of inca mummies were found at an ancient cemetery under a shantytown near lima in 2002 2002年,利马附近的一座古墓共出土了数千具印加木乃伊。
Thousands of ancient inca mummies , some bundled together in small groups with their possessions , have been discovered beneath a shantytown near lima , peru 秘鲁利玛市贫民窟出土了几千具古代印加木乃伊,有些木乃伊被包裹在一起,其中还发现了陪葬品。
Along with the urbanized development , the shantytown existence has seriously hindered the urbanized advancement , and has adverse effects to the urban development 摘要随着城市化的发展,棚户区的存在严重阻碍了城市化的进程,对城市发展造成不利影响。
In this paper , the author has carried out the analysis of the present situation , and proposed the concrete transformation measures on the basis of shantytown investigation in jinan 本文在对济南市棚户区现状调查的基础上,分析了棚户区存在的问题及对城市发展的影响,并且提出了改造建议。
Fire consumes hundreds of dwellings in a manila shantytown , leaving about 1200 families homeless . residents grabbed buckets and scrambled to water , hoping to douse the flames 大火吞噬了马尼拉一个棚户区的上百处住所,致使1200多个家庭无家可归。人们提着水桶,爬上爬下的泼水,希望能扑灭火焰。
Development of the shantytown is releasing thousands of gallons a day of liquids , including sewage , into the streets , where it can seep into the burials below , damaging mummies that have been well - preserved for nearly 500 years 开发贫民窟每天要向街道排放包括污水在内的几千加仑液体,这些液体渗入地下古墓,破坏了完好保存近500年之久的木乃伊。
We need to successfully transform the economies of cities whose local natural resources have been exhausted , address the problem of sinkholes in coal mining areas , turn shantytowns into new housing areas , and promptly set up mechanisms to compensate for resource depletion and to aid declining industries 搞好资源枯竭型城市经济转型和采煤沉陷区治理、棚户区改造,抓紧研究建立资源开发补偿机制、衰退产业援助机制。
Since the year 2001 , when the united states human settlement bureau proclaimed that its working task focused on the promotion of sustainable development of living , both in the sense of society and economy , to complete the objection that everybody can live in his suitable living place . the study of amiable settlement theory is complicated and complex in academic circles . this paper dedicates to retrospect the obstacles in the road of the completion of the very settlement goal in the view of management philosophy : the short of living place in cities ; the common existence of shantytown ; the overall isolated and tense relationship between human being and nature ; the disharmony between a person himself / herself and the others 自2001年联合国人居署提出其新千年工作重心是促进社会和环境方面可持续性人居发展,以达到所有人都有合适居所的目标以来,学界对宜居理念的研究纷繁复杂,本文立旨站在管理哲学的角度,在新全球化的背景下反思可持续城市化人居目标发展所面临的困境:城市住宅的缺乏、城市贫民窟的普遍存在,人与自然关系的全面疏远和紧张,人与他人关系的不协调。