| 1. | The shoreline regressed in response to the situation . 滨线退到相应的位置上。 |
| 2. | The lamina may appear especially even and parallel in sections parallel to the shoreline . 在平行于滨线的剖面上,薄层显得尤为平整。 |
| 3. | Cheniers have a parallel, gently arcuate alignment reflecting the migratory history of the shoreline . 沙脊呈平行的、微弓形排列,这能反映滨线迁移的历史。 |
| 4. | Prograding bar-finger sand bodies are over-ridden by distributary channels as the shoreline retreats . 当海岸线后退时,向海推进的指状沙坝被分流河道所覆盖。 |
| 5. | Depending on prevailing conditions, these bars may move up the upper part of the shoreline and beach . 由于基本条件的变化,这些沙洲可以向上移动到滨线或海滩上部。 |
| 6. | A large amount of shoreline erosion and build-up occurs during the year due to storms and high winds . 由于暴风雨和大风的作用,终年都在发生大量的滨线浸蚀和海岸的塑造。 |
| 7. | Tilting, warping, and changes in elevation can seriously affect canals and shoreline facilities of various kinks . 倾斜、翘曲和高程变化可以严重地影响水渠和各种岸边设备。 |
| 8. | These shoreline trends are completely independent of the present-day structural configuration of the san juan basin . 这些滨线的走向与现今圣胡安盆地的构造形象是完全不同的。 |
| 9. | Other islands that rise from offshore bars within a bay, or that from spits, commonly show the same shoreline characteristics . 海湾内由滨外沙坝形成的其它岛屿或沙嘴,通常显示同样的岸线特点。 |
| 10. | The o'brien house, high above the shoreline and with a beach below, afford a magnificent waterfront view . 奥布赖恩的这幢房子,坐落在海岸线上面的高处,俯临一片海滩,面前展现出一派瑰丽的海滨风光。 |