| 1. | She went on with persuasive smoothness . 她用一种圆滑而娓娓动听的语调继续说下去。 |
| 2. | He could still feel the warm smoothness of her flesh, and hear her voice . 他仍然感到她那温暖柔滑的肌肤,她的声音还在耳边回响。 |
| 3. | The dry bracing climate and the smoothness of the land make labor easy for men and beasts . 干燥而凉爽的气候和那平整的土地,使得人畜容易在这里耕作。 |
| 4. | With the marquis, we all decided the strong selling point was the smoothness of its ride . 对于候爵型车,我们一致确定,它在销售中取胜之处在于行驶平稳。 |
| 5. | Too high a degree polynomial produces lower residuals, but at the expense of smoothness in the derivative . 一个很高次数的多项式会产生较低的残差,但却要破坏导数的光滑性。 |
| 6. | It is no time for adulation. the smoothness of flattery cannot save us, in this rugged and awful crisis . 现在不是歌功颂德的时候。在这道路坎坷、征途艰险的时刻,甘言谀词不能解救我们。 |
| 7. | The softness of a textile material is presumably built up of two components: the smoothness of the fibre and the smoothness of the fabric . 纺织品的柔软性由两项构成:纤维的平滑性和织物的平滑性。 |
| 8. | He had developed a kind of self-reliance and smoothness of address such as one would scarcely have credited him with three years before . 他就养成了一切凭自己,不依靠别人的品质和说话的才干,3年前,人家才不会说他具备了这些东西呢。 |
| 9. | While she wandered through foreign galleries and churches, and rolled over the smoothness of roads, she had often longed for the company of some intelligent person of her own sex . 当她徘徊于异国的寺院与画廊之中的时候,当她驰骋在平坦大道上的时候,她渴望跟一个聪颖睿智的女性为伴。 |
| 10. | Lack of smoothness or regularity ; unevenness 不平坦缺乏平衡感或规律性;不平的 |