Still in his 20s , soh has worked for some of the best hotels in singapore 苏年纪三十不到,却已在多家新加坡顶级酒店掌过勺。
In view of its program being an applied science soh puts exceptional emphasis and efforts on enriching students with practical experiences 口腔卫生学为一门应用的科学,非常注重实务的经验。
School of oral hygiene , soh , founded in 2001 , boasts both the newly established faculty and the first of the kind ? “ oral medicine faculty ” in this nation 成立于2001年,是新创设的学系,也是全国第一个设立的口腔卫生学系。
And just when i thought the meal couldn ' t get any better , soh served up a fantastic sichuan rack of lamb cooked perfectly with a combination of spicy fermented black beans and dried chillies , which infused the tender lamb with haunting aromas 正当我对这道菜叹为观止的时候,他又上了一道四川烤羊排,豆豉和干辣椒的味道已经完全渗入鲜嫩的羊肉,香气扑鼻。
With its establishment soh expects new horizons in three areas : upgrading overall dental and oral care environment nationwide ; building up the infrastructure for college of oral medicine by integrating the existing school of dentistry , graduate institute of oral rehabilitation and the newly establishing graduate institute of oral science and thus enabling tmu to make a big step towards world class university ; and setting a milestone in women ' s employment market in this nation 本系之成立除了对国内整体口腔医疗环境之提升外,将结合现有之牙医系,口腔复健医学研究所及新增设之口腔科学研究所,形成口腔医学院之基本架构,进而促使本校朝向2010年世界大学迈进,将为国内女性就业市场另立一个里程碑。