The effect of different solvent - extracts of rhizoma cyperi on dysmenorrhea 香附不同溶剂提取物对痛经模型的影响
No . 6 solvent - extracted oil 6号抽提溶剂油
Limit cottonseed meal with high gossypol content to 5 % of the layer diet ( recent work indicates that up to 10 % of some solvent - extracted cottonseed meal products can be safely used as they have low levels of gossypol due to newer varieties and improved processing ) 要限制高棉酚的棉籽粕在产蛋鸡日粮中的用量不超过5 % (最近有研究表明,一些用浸提工艺处理的棉籽粕可以用到10 % ,因为经过一些新品种以及加工工艺的改善,可以降低棉酚的含量) 。