Other or unspecified somatoform disorders 其他或待分类躯体形式障碍
Persistent somatoform pain disorder 持续性躯体形式疼痛障碍
Curative effects of fluoxetine in persistent somatoform pain disorder 氟西汀治疗持续性躯体形式疼痛障碍疗效观察
After marketing approval in domestic , venlafaxine was used to treat depression , anxiety disorder , obsession , attention deficit and hyperactivity , alcohol dependence , somatoform disorder , post - schizophrenic depression etc 国内上市后,已用于抑郁症、焦虑症、强迫症、儿童多动症、酒依赖、躯体形式障碍、精神分裂症后抑郁等的治疗。
Women were consistently more commonly affected , especially in somatoform disorder . however , age seemed not an important association factor . no significant differences were observed among the young ( aged 18 - 34 ) , adult ( aged 35 - 44 ) , and middle - aged ( aged 45 - 64 ) age - groups 女性患上精神病的数字较男性为高,而在三个不同的年龄组别,即十八至三十四岁,三十五至四十四岁及四十五至六十四岁,则并没有显著不同。
It separates diagnostic categories and psychopathology in organic disorders , affective / mood disorders ( disorders of emotional / feeling level ) , psychotic disorders ( disorders of mental level - thought , cognition , and perception level ) , dissociative disorders , somatoform disorders , anxiety disorders etc . is inflexible to accommodate integrated psychiatric approach , namely patient - centred ( exactly what is needed more than anything 它依据器官的功能障碍的程度进行诊断和精神病学分类,情感表达/情绪障碍(情绪/感觉水平的障碍) ,精神障碍(精神水平? ?思想、认知、理解水平功能障碍) ,分离障碍,体感障碍,附属障碍等等,这种分类方法为整体精神病治疗法提供了基础,这个基础称为患者中心模式(这点比其他的观点更重要! )