I have found that you can be as stoical as any one, when you please . 我发现,当你愿意的时候,你能够和任何人一样地冷静泰然。
A memorandum of the wager was at once drawn up and signed by the six parties , during which phileas fogg preserved a stoical composure 一张打赌的字据当场写好,六位当事人立即在上面签了字。
When balkenhol uses oak to sculpt figures over two metres high and then paints them , he creates manifestations of stoical calm 他用橡木雕制了几座两公尺多高的木雕,替它们漆上?色,让它们成?恬淡与宁静的化身。
Compared to the outgoing peko , arata s smile named because he never smiles is just too reserved and stoical to win the love of the audience 两段师徒关系,即阿扁和兵乓球室女波士及笑爷和教练,亦师亦友,亦拍得有趣。
He asked , with his queer grin of a smile , as if he had toothache ; it was so wry , and his eyes were so perfectly unchangingly melancholy , or stoical , or disillusioned or afraid 他一边问,一边苦笑着,好象他牙痛似的,多么做作的微笑!他的眼睛带着十分忧郁的忍痛的幻灭的和惧怕的神气。
One by one , hack saws and chisels forms out of a tree trunk and paints the raw wooden figure white . deploying almost stoical meticulousness , he succeeds in shaping a filigree garment out of a block of wood 他把一块又一块的组件从树身上锯下砌好,直接漆成白色,然后才尽缜密之能事?木像雕制出一套又一套精雕细琢的衣裳。
Tess saw her three chamber - mates in a row against the wall , pensively inclining their heads . she had much questioned if they would appear at the parting moment ; but there they were , stoical and staunch to the last 先前她很有一些怀疑,她们会不会在他们动身的时候出来为他们送行,但是她们都来了,尽力克制着忍受着,一直坚持到最后。