Laparoscopic urology is a subspecialty emerged and popularized worldwide in the last decade 摘要泌尿科腹腔镜手术是近十年来崛起且风行全球的一种次专科领域。
He is a diplomate of the american board of anesthesiology and is certified in the subspecialty of pain management from the aba 此外,邹医生考获美国麻醉学委员会文凭,并取得该委员会颁发的疼痛管理专科资格。
To kick off we have put together some ' snapshots ' of recent corneal news and research to give you a taste of what is going on in this exciting subspecialty 以下,我们收集了最近一些角膜相关的新闻和研究的摘要,让您了解一下这个小领域内发生的大事件。
If the iop cannot be managed with the addition of glaucoma medications , subspecialty care from a glaucoma specialist should be sought as some patients may go on to require surgical intervention 如果在增加一种降眼压药物的情况下无法控制眼压,应该建议患者去青光眼专家处就诊,因为有些患者需要手术治疗。