vi. 接着发生,意外发生,附带发生,并发;添加,附加。 vt. 取代;在…之后发生。 n. -vention 意外发生,附带发生(事件);附加,添加;续发,并发;取代。
Example Sentences:
After a chill , fever supervened . 受凉后接着就发烧。
Cases of organophosphorus pesticide poisoning supervened intermediate syndrome treated with combination of traditional chinese and western medicines 中西医结合治疗有机磷农药中毒并发中间综合征42例42
Where it is deemed necessary to kill an animal for the provision of food or products , the method applied should immediately render the animal unconscious to pain until death supervenes 如若认为宰杀动物当做食物或生产制品有其必要,其方式需能立即让动物失去痛觉,直到确实死亡。
At that moment a little accident supervened , which seemed decreed by fate purposely to prove the truth of the adage , that misfortunes never come singly , and to add to their distresses the vexing one of the slip between the cup and the lip 这时候发生了一个小小的插曲,仿佛也是天意,要证实“祸不单行”的格言,伤心之中因眼看到手的东西又失掉而更添恼怒。圣
Gradually weariness grew upon me ; a numbness , an occasional stupor , fell upon my mind even in the midst of my terrors ; until sleep at last supervened , and in my sea - tossed coracle i lay and dreamed of home and the old admiral benbow 渐渐地,疲倦使我在惊恐万状的情况下打起盹来,最后终于睡着了。我躺在惊涛骇浪中的一叶小舟里,梦见了家乡和我的“本葆海军上将”老店。
No crisis , apparently , had supervened ; and there was nothing left for her to do but to continue upon that starve - acre farm till she could again summon courage to face the vicarage . she did , indeed , take sufficient interest in herself to throw up her veil on this return journey , as if to let the world see that she could at least exhibit a face such as mercy chant could not show 显然,什么危机也没有发生现在她只好再回到那块饥饿的土地上的农场里去谋生了,去等待她再次聚集勇气面对牧师住宅的时候了,除此而外,她已经没有什么好做的了,在回家的路上,她确实对自己产生了足够的兴趣,掀开了脸上的面纱,仿佛是要让世界看一看,她至少可以展示出梅茜羌特展示不出来的容貌。