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English translation for "system-based"

Example Sentences:
1.Embedded system - based ip phone speech compression technique
2.On binary tutor system - based accounting education
3.Grey system - based prediction of slop slide
4.Principle and realization of network accounting system - based on proxy server
5.These actions can include tasks and db2 or operating system - based scripts
6.Research of an expert system - based intelligence simulation system for delivery system
7.For instance , ed was coded to work directly with file system - based java files
例如, ed被编码为直接处理基于文件系统的java文件。
8.Only web site projects that are internet information services or file system - based are supported
只支持基于internet信息服务( iis )或文件系统的网站项目。
9.Describes how to choose the web site type file system - based or http - based for asp . net applications
描述如何为asp . net应用程序选择网站类型(基于文件系统或基于http ) 。
10.Well - structured , integrated system - based core courses to avoid overloading students with too much to learn
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