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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

给治疗带来不便 hamper medical treatment
给演员提词 prompt an actor
给牲口拌饲料 mix fodder for animals
给牵着鼻子走 be led by the nose
给电冰霜除霜 defrost a refrigerator
给病人号脉 feel a patient's pulse
给病人处方 prescribe for a patient
给病人按脉 feel a patient's pulse
给病人眼部开刀 operate on the eyes of the p...
给病人规定饮食 put a patient on a diet
给稻秧施肥 apply fertilizer to rice see...
给窗子镶玻璃 glaze a window
给篝火加燃料 feed a bonfire
给纸辊 feed foll
给老师留几个坐位 Reserve several seats for th...
给老板拍马屁 toady to the boss
给老顾客赊欠 extend credit to a regular c...
给脸 save face -- so as not to em...
给自己加上新的头衔 confer a new title on onesel...
给自己壮胆 whistle in the dark
给自己拆台的政策 self-defeating policies
给自己留条后路 leave oneself a way out
给自己的房屋保火险 insure one's house against f...
给船只命名 name a ship
给花喷点水 sprinkle some water on the f...
给蓄电池充电 charge up the battery
给蚕喂桑叶 feed mulberry leaves to silk...
给行李贴上标签 have one's luggage labelled
给衣服绲花边 trim a dress with lace
给衣服镶上绸边 border a dress with silk
给表上发条 wind up the watch
给裙子镶花边 edge a skirt with lace
给试卷评分 mark papers
给贫困的灾民送去了救济金和粮食 Money and food were sent to ...
给赏金 10英磅 offer a reward of
给车胎打气 inflate a tyre
给车轮装轮胎 tyre a wheel
给运动员编号 give numbers to the athletes...
给这个场面增添了静穆的气氛 add a solemnity and quiet to...
给进 feed
给进弓形杆 chopper bar
给酬金 10英镑 offer a reward of
给铜镀银 plate copper with silver
给门上漆 paint the door
给门刷上油漆 brush paint onto a door
给门装上锁 fit a lock on the door
给面子 show due respect for sb.'s f...
给颜色看 let sb. have a taste of one'...
给飞机加油 fuel a plane
给马备鞍 put a saddle on a horse
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