The first seminar was held on saturday , october 11 at the drivers union in tacna city 第一场录影带讲座于10月11日星期六在达那市tacna city的司机公会举行。
Of altiplano . in tacna , fellow practitioners met with the group alpha omega that studies extraterrestrial life 在塔纳城时,接触到一个名叫alfa y omega的研究外星人的团体。
In this way a new meditation center was established in tacna . work team members from lima and arequipa the second seminar was held on october 15 at the auditorium of san augustin university in arequipa , which can accommodate about a hundred people 第二场录影带讲座于10月15日在阿雷基帕市arequipa city的圣奥古斯汀大学san augustin university的礼堂举行,这个场地大约可以容纳100位来宾。
In order to introduce the supreme master ching hai and her teachings in various cities throughout peru , fellow practitioners and the quan yin messenger presented seven video lecture seminars from june to september 1998 in trujillo , arequipa , tacna , cusco , juliaca , and puno . the lecture rooms were always packed with truth - seekers and many interesting episodes and sidelights occurred . seminars held to introduce master s teachings 音使者抵达秘鲁后,因为当地同修的积极推动,所以从六月份至九月份在不同城市连续举办师父录影带弘法会:突希久城阿雷吉巴城塔纳城库斯科城胡里亚迦及布诺城,前后共计七场,几乎场场爆满,期间也发生了不少耐人寻味的趣事。