Information technology - international string ordering and comparision - method for comparing character strings and description of the common template tailorable ordering 信息技术.国际串命令和比较.比较字符串的方法和通用的模板剪裁命令描述
Finally a set of tailorable algorithms is given , which centers on the wavelet multi - scale analysis and integrates other registration techniques 最终形成了一套以小波多尺度分析匹配为核心的并结合了多种其它匹配技术的可供剪裁的综合匹配算法。
Information technology - international string ordering and comparison - method for comparing character strings and description of the common template tailorable ordering 信息技术.国际字符串的排序和比较.比较字符串和描述通用可裁剪模板排序的方法
Silica - based mesoporous material m41s possesses a series of excellent qualities such as regular arrangement of channels , narrow pore size distribution and tailorable pore size , high specific surface area , huge adsorptive volume and so on . these make the materials have wide application prospect in many fields 硅基介孔材料m41s ( mcm - 4l和mcm一48 )具有规则的孔道排列、窄的孔径分布以及可调的孔径、高的比表面积和大的吸附容量等优异性能,使得它在诸多领域有着广阔的应用前景。