By sister initiate claudia rico , texcoco , mexico originally in spanish 墨西哥德克斯可可克劳蒂雅瑞可师姊原文为西班牙文
By the texcoco news group 沙拉巴讯
Then , waving goodbye to our newly made friends , we left , along with our caravan , down the mountain road and back to the texcoco center 然后我们挥手向我们的新朋友们道别,一行人回到了德克斯可可小中心。
Because the consumption of meat is very high in the texcoco area , the fellow practitioners worked hard to prepare information about vegetarianism 德克斯可可地区的肉品消耗量极大,因此同修特别费心准备了许多有关素食的资讯。
On february 4 , 2005 , initiates from the texcoco center presented a video seminar at texcocos social care center to spread master s sacred teachings to local residents 2005年2月4日,墨西哥的德克斯可可小中心在德克斯可可社会福利中心举办了一场录影带弘法讲座,传播师父的神圣教理。
As soon as they heard masters voice transmitted from the other side of the conference and saw her image on the texcoco centers video screen , they were so happy that they could not stop clapping . the extremely joyous atmosphere was beyond words to describe 当师父的声音由另一端传来,萤幕上出现师父的影像时,现场立即响起久久不息的掌声,同修们的欣喜之情实非言语所能形容。
The divine miracles and love witnessed by the texcoco initiates before and during the february 4 video seminar have inspired them to continue sharing the good news about supreme master ching hai , who has come to help us and take us all home 从准备这场弘法活动到活动期间,我们见证了许多奇迹及师父的爱力加持,再再鼓舞我们继续与世人分享这个大好消息:清海无上师慈悲济世度众,引领众生抵达涅盘彼岸。
On monday , october 18 , 1999 , a group of l . a . initiates , including two that had retained their mexican citizenship and one with the ability to speak medical spanish and provide some medical services , flew to mexico city , where we were greeted at the airport by fellow disciples from the texcoco and mexico city centers 救灾小组的成员中有两位同修是墨西哥籍,另一位则会讲一些西班牙文医疗用语,并可以提供医疗服务。当救灾小组于1999年10月18日星期一到达墨西哥时,德克斯可可和墨西哥市小中心的同修到机场接机。
Prior to the seminar fellow initiates from mexico city and texcoco helped local convenient method practitioners put up masters posters , distribute thousands of fliers and publicize the event on several radio stations . the activity was also promoted on tv , and when the initiates approached the manager of the local tv station his response was remarkably supportive 墨西哥市及德克斯可可的同修都前来协助筹备工作,奎雷塔罗的方便法同修也热诚叁与,他们不但知道哪些地方适合张贴海报,而且也协助分发了数千份传单,并透过广播电台广传讲座的消息。