Effects of propofol , midazolam and thiopental sodium on outcome of focal cerebral ischemia - reperfusion in rats 咪达唑仑和硫喷妥钠对大鼠局灶脑缺血再灌注的影响
Rapid - sequence induction : anesthesia is most commonly induced by the method of rapid - sequence induction , in which rapid administration of an ultra - short - acting barbiturate ( e . g . , thiopental ) is followed by a depolarizing muscle relaxant ( e . g . , succinylcholine ) 快速序贯诱导:诱导麻醉最常用的是快速序贯诱导方法,应用此法时先快速给予超短时作用的巴比妥(如硫贲妥钠) ,接着给去极化的肌肉松弛剂(如琥珀胆碱) 。
A rapid - sequence induction : anesthesia is most commonly induced by the method of rapid - sequence induction , in which rapid administration of an ultra - short - acting barbiturate ( e . g . , thiopental ) is followed by a depolarizing muscle relaxant ( e . g . , succinylcholine ) 快速序贯诱导:诱导麻醉最常用的是快速序贯诱导方法,应用此法时先快速给予超短时作用的巴比妥(如硫贲妥钠) ,接着给去极化的肌肉松弛剂(如琥珀胆碱) 。