Easily operated by means of the front keys or the front thumbwheel switches , or via pc and serial link 很容易通过前面板的按键或指拨开关或pc机进行操作。
Pressing y again will toggle thumbwheel control from moving the min / max cursor to scrolling an entire screen 若再次按y键将使滚轮的控制从移动最小/最大指针切换为转动整个屏幕。
The monochrome screen is easy to read , and the clickable thumbwheel control permits scrolling through programming and feature menus readily enough 单色萤幕十分易读,按键式的拇指控制旋钮,能够方便地浏览节目与功能选单。
Scroll the thumbwheel to move the min / max cursor across the screens , scroll down to move to the right , or up to move to the left 在复阅中,转动滚轮即可在一个屏幕中移动最小/最大( min / max )指针,向下转动滚轮将使指针向右,或向上转动滚轮将使指针向左。