n. 1.吐火罗人〔约在公元1000年前住在中亚〕。 2.吐火罗语〔现已绝灭的一种印欧语,包括两大方言,最早的记载见纪元前七世纪的文件中〕。 adj. 吐火罗的,吐火罗语的。
Example Sentences:
If a thorough research on the remainders of tocharian a and b as well as a great many of references in chinese are made , the situation of budduist belief in agni and kuci from the establishment of tang dynasty ( in 618 ad ) to the third year of dachong chiangfu in song dynasty ( in 1010 ad ) will be fully understood 摘要人们如果运用大量的吐火罗文a 、 b残卷的资料和汉文相关材料进行详尽考察,就会知道从唐朝建立到宋大中祥符三年( 1010年) 400年前焉耆与龟兹的佛教信仰情况。
An eminent scholar in oriental studies , a world - renowned linguist and a great master in literature and translation , professor ji xianlin is among the very few scholars worldwide who have won international acclaim for their works in indian linguistics , primeval buddhist languages , tocharian languages and sanskrit literature 国学泰斗季羡林教授是享誉国际的东方学家、语言学家、文学家及翻译名师。他对印度语言形态学、原始佛教语言、吐火罗文、梵文文学等研究均作出重大贡献。