adj. 〔戏谑语〕理发师的;理发的。 a tonsorial artist [parlour] 〔戏谑语〕理发师[店]。 n. -ist 〔美谑〕理发师。
Example Sentences:
Thus he justified himself in sitting down in here after his tonsorial treatment 享受了理发师的服务后,他就觉得自己有权利在那里坐下了。
Depend on natural resources of huge person arteries and veins and deep professional setting , in acting tonsorial watch title paper respect is having advantaged human advantage and incomparable professional level 凭借巨大的人脉资源和深厚的专业背景,在代理发表职称论文方面有着得天独厚的人际优势和无可比拟的专业水准。