The transept of the jesuit church in gardiner street was almost full . 加德纳街上,十字形耶稣会教堂的侧廊几乎水泄不通。
Paolo - fuori - le - mura in rome , the transept seems to have been added to the roman basilica to afford an open space around the site above the grave of the saint 耳堂方向短正厅方向长的巴西利卡,形成了拉丁十字这种新的教堂平面形制,随后一直用于中世纪教堂。
Resumed only with the carolingian renovatio of the viiith and ixth centuries , the transept created a latin cross of the plan and was thereafter a regular feature of many western medieval churches 由于宗教仪式日趋复杂,圣品人增多,扩建耳堂为圣品人专用,大一点的也分中厅和侧廊,其地下是圣人的坟墓。
Bringing his host down and kneeling he heard twine with his second bell the first bell in the transept he is lifting his and , rising , heard now i am lifting their two bells he is kneeling twang in diphthong 在他听见自己摇的第二遍铃声与十字形耳堂里的头一遍铃声他在举扬圣体而站起来时,又听见而今我在举扬圣体了这两个铃的响声他跪下了重叠成双元音。