The trifid nebula itself represents the final phase of star formation . 三叶星云本身代表着恒星形成的最后阶段。
Besides interesting mythology related with the zodiacal constellations , the calendar features a lot of splendid pictures related to the zodiacs including helix nebula in aquarius , pleiades in taurus , sombrero hat galaxy in virgo and trifid nebula in sagittarius etc . in addition , a detailed chinese star map , the first of its kind with english translation of the namings , is attached to provide the readre with a good overall view of the chinese constellation system 介绍中国和西方的星座,而每月主题为黄道十二星座。除了生动有趣的星座神话故事外,还选辑了多幅与每个星座有关连的精美图片。此外,月历内更附有一份详细中国全天星图,方便对照西方星座与中国星座的异同。
Besides interesting mythology related with the zodiacal constellations , the calendar features a lot of splendid pictures related to the zodiacs including helix nebula in aquarius , pleiades in taurus , sombrero hat galaxy in virgo and trifid nebula in sagittarius etc . in addition , a detailed chinese star map , the first of its kind with english translation of the namings , is attached to provide the readre with a good overall view of the chinese constellation system 介绍中国和西方的星座,而每月主题为黄道十二星座。除了生动有趣的星座神话故事外,还选辑了多幅与每个星座有关连的精美图片。此外,月历内更附有一份详细中国全天星图,方便对照西方星座与中国星座的异同。