Family therapy , and to a truffaut retrospective 家庭疗法她们去了特吕弗电影回顾展
I came to rescue you . wanna see the truffaut at the capital 我来救你的想去政府大楼那里看特吕弗吗?
Writing of ray and howard hawks , franois truffaut declared , anyone who rejects either should never go to the movies again , never see any more films 雷和侯活.鹤士时说过: "否定他们其中一人的,都不应该再进电影院,或再看电影。
Wood s assured direction means that the festering conflict is never explicit , while his skill with young actors recalls the attentiveness of francois truffaut s 导演半自传,借小孩眼睛以小观大揭露更人性的时代问题,有条不紊铺展的故事到高潮一刻感染力惊人迸发。
Spielberg also paid tribute to legendary french film director francois truffaut , who died 20 years ago and who had starred in spielberg ' s 1977 classic , close encounters of the third kind 斯皮尔伯格也对法国传奇人物、电影导演弗朗索瓦?特吕福表示赞扬。特吕福20年前去世,他曾在斯皮尔伯格1977年导演的经典之作《第三类接触》中扮演主角。
Less dedicated to work was young assistant sek kei shi qi , who went on to become one of hong kong s top critics . his witty reminiscence of his days at the art department in the 1970s gives the melancholic story of cathay a humourous and romantic touch of franois truffaut 而石琪以轻松的过来人身份回想七十年代与吴宇森等人在国泰当美工和场记的穷风流日子,为原来有点哀伤的国泰故事,添了丝杜鲁福式的幽默与浪漫。