` first - class hotel ' was a complete misnomer for the tumbledown farmhouse we stayed in 把我们住的那个摇摇欲坠的村舍称作一流旅馆,纯粹是乱用词语
He is the author of fourteen plays , of which three are still extant : romance of the western chamber , beautiful spring hall and a tumbledown cave 王实甫一共写了十四个剧本,现在流传下来的比较完整的只有《西厢记》 、 《丽春堂》 、 《破窑记》三种。
The chimneys of stoves , and the tumbledown walls of houses stretched in long rows , hiding one another , all through the burnt quarters of the town , and recalled to him the picturesque ruins of the rhine and of the colosseum 房屋的烟囱断壁残垣,在被大火焚烧过的市区内延伸着,相互遮掩着,此情此景,简直是莱茵河和罗马大剧场的遗迹活生生地再现于眼前。