The two products radial tyre separator and screw radial tyer crusher are the first in china and reach international advanced level 主要设备废钢丝子午轮胎胎圈剥离分解机、螺旋式废钢丝子午轮胎粉碎机两项产品分别属国内首创、国内领先,达到国际先进水平。
Abstract : influences of the changes of the amplitude and space frequenc y of road surface roughness on adhesion ability are simulated and analyzed by me ans of the nonlinear and time - varying tyer model made by the author 文摘:采用作者建立的非线性时变轮胎模型,仿真分析了路面不平度幅值及路面空间频率变化对地面附着性能的影响。