Indeed the account of how mathematicians stumbled, groped their way through obscurities should give heart to any tyro in research . 实在说,叙述数学家如何跌跤,如何在迷雾中摸索前进,应能使搞研究工作的任何新手鼓起勇气。
Indeed the account of how mathematicians stumbled, groped their way through obscurities, should give heart to any tyro in research . 实在说,叙述数学家如何跌跤,如何在迷雾中摸索前进,应能使搞研究工作的任一新手鼓起勇气。
What separates the professional from the tyro is knowing when to 专家和新手的区别在于:知道什么时候
An andante passage of house of tyro , could she make your taveling slow , and draw life with color your love 白丁屋原色的行板,能否留住你漂泊中的脚步,擦上你钟爱的颜色。
Her trained ear detected the weaknesses and exaggerations , the overemphasis of the tyro , and she was instantly aware each time the sentence - rhythm tripped and faltered 露丝却不同。她那训练有素的耳朵听出了它的薄弱和夸张之处和初学者过分渲染的地方。
What characterized them was the clumsiness of too great strength - the clumsiness which the tyro betrays when he crushes butterflies with battering rams and hammers out vignettes with a war - club 它们拙劣的特点是过人是初出茅庐者那种用撞城锤砸蝴蝶用大棒描花样的拙劣。