His had first - rate qualities , and they are lost : rendered worse than unavailing 他的儿子有头等的天赋,却荒废了,变得比没用还糟。
Hurstwood heard the details of the weary and unavailing search that evening 那天晚上,赫斯渥听到了这次劳而无获的寻找的详细情况。
He demanded , trying , as it seemed , to see with those sightless eyes - unavailing and distressing attempt 他问,似乎要用那双失明的眼睛来看无效而痛苦的尝试!
A week afterwards she came in one evening from an unavailing search for some light occupation in the immediate neighbourhood 一个星期里,她都在附近的地方寻找一个轻松一点儿的工作,但是她没有找到。
Operation was performed 17 days later after invalid anticoagulant treatments and unavailing catheter fragmentation 经过检查确定是大量肺栓塞,但是经过内科用肝素治疗,却发生血小板过低过低的副作用。
" come , come , " continued the count , " complaints are unavailing , be a man , be strong , be full of hope , for i am here and will watch over you . “来,来, ”伯爵继续说, “怨艾是没有用的!拿出男子汉的勇气来,坚强一点,不要失掉希望,因为有我在这儿,我可以为你设法。 ”
He sat down by her and put his arms around her ; she buried her face in his bosom , she clung to him , she poured out her terrors , her unavailing regrets , and the far echoes turned them all to jeering laughter 他坐在她旁边搂着她。她紧紧地挨着汤姆,脸贴在他怀里,一古脑地诉说她的恐惧,连后悔都来不及了,这声音传到远处变成了嘲笑,回荡在通道里。
One day when i was reproaching him for his unavailing searches , and deploring the prostration of mind that followed them , he looked at me , and , smiling bitterly , opened a volume relating to the history of the city of rome 有一天,我埋怨他不该作这种于事无益的搜寻,以致把自己弄得身心疲惫,他看了看我,然后苦笑着打开一大卷述及罗马城历史的书。
Not a tear rose to burns s eye ; and , while i paused from my sewing , because my fingers quivered at this spectacle with a sentiment of unavailing and impotent anger , not a feature of her pensive face altered its ordinary expression 见了这种情景,我心头涌起了一种徒劳无益无能为力的愤怒,气得手指都颤抖起来,而不得不停下手头的针线活。她那忧郁的面容毫不改色,依然保持着平日的表情。
Lydia - the humiliation , the misery , she was bringing on them all - soon swallowed up every private care ; and covering her face with her handkerchief , elizabeth was soon lost to every thing else ; and , after a pause of several minutes , was only recalled to a sense of her situation by the voice of her companion , who , in a manner , which though it spoke compassion , spoke likewise restraint , said , " i am afraid you have been long desiring my absence , nor have i any thing to plead in excuse of my stay , but real , though unavailing , concern 她用一条手绢掩住了脸,便一切都不闻不问了。过了好一会儿,她听到她朋友的声音,这才神志清醒过来。只听得达西说话的声调里满含着同情,也带着一些拘束“我恐怕你早就希望我走开了吧,我实在没有理由待在这儿,不过我无限地同情你,虽然这种同情无济于事。