adj. 无前因的;非创造的;自存的。 a first great cause which is itself uncaused 【哲学】本身无前因的始初巨因。
Example Sentences:
Everything is uncaused . the world has no cause 一切事发无因。世界没有起因。
It is entirely uncaused , independent , complete in itself , beyond time and space , mind and matter 它完全没有原因,独立自存,超越时空心物。
But , this source is not a cause and no cause is a source . because of that , i say everything is uncaused 然而、这本源并非前因亦没前因可作本源。故此我说一切事物皆无因可据。
Awareness is primordial ; it is the original state , beginningless , endless , uncaused , unsupported , without parts , without change 觉性是原始的;它是本来无始无终、没有起因、没有支持、没有部分、没有变化。
M : awareness is primordial ; it is the original state , beginningless , endless , uncaused , unsupported , without parts , without change 觉性是原始的;它是本来无始无终、没有起因、没有支持、没有部分、没有变化。
You say they are uncaused ? from your point of view . but , to you nothing has being and , therefore , the question of causation does not arise 你说事发无因从你的角度看。对你而言一切非有,故此也没所谓因果的问题。
You seem to hold the view that it is uncaused , that everything , however small , is uncaused , arising and disappearing for no known reason whatsoever 你好似认为宇宙无本可据,一切事物,即使微乎其微,其生灭皆无缘无故,亦不可理喻。