| 1. | A sort of undefined longing crept upon them . 有一种说不出名目的渴望使他们心里发痒。 |
| 2. | Our pilgrim remained stupefied with undefined apprehensions . 我们的旅客给莫名的恐惧吓呆了。 |
| 3. | The slug of tracer is added to the stream in an undefined manner . 示踪剂液滴以不确定的方式注入流注里。 |
| 4. | He turned an expression of undefined appeal toward scobie . 他转向斯考比,脸上呈现出一种迷惘的祈求神色。 |
| 5. | The meeting of any person filled nixon with an undefined dread . 与任何生人的会见使尼克松充满了莫名其妙的紧张。 |
| 6. | The meeting of any new person filled nixon with an undefined dread . 与任何生人的会见使尼克松充满了莫名其妙的紧张。 |
| 7. | As we shall not deal with algorithmic problems, we leave the term "efficient" undefined . 因为不讨论算法问题,我们对“有效”这一术语不作具体解释。 |
| 8. | Her soul was new, undefined and glimmering with the unseen. and his soul was dark and gloomy . 她的心灵澈如水,不时闪动着无法描述的奇光异彩,而他的心里却是一片黑暗和阴郁。 |
| 9. | In terms of an undefined but self-explanatory phrase, it is just that the compressed operator has the compressed matrix . 用一定未曾定义但意义自明的词组来表示,它正说的是,压缩得到的算子具有压缩得到的矩阵。 |
| 10. | It was a tall order to ask him to be a partner in launching a new initiative of undefined duration when he was contemplating his own demise . 当死神在向他招手的时候,要他合作发起一项旷日持久的新倡议,未免太苛刻了。 |