| 1. | They seemed part of herd, undistinguished . 他们似乎只是一群凡夫俗子。 |
| 2. | In harvard he was undistinguished but read widely . 在哈佛大学读书期间他并无过人之处,但博览群书。 |
| 3. | He retired from the army with undistinguished record of service . 他带着平凡的服役记录离开了军队。 |
| 4. | This undistinguished youth was to explode into a prominence no one had anticipated . 这个默默无闻的年轻人出人意料地崭露头角。 |
| 5. | the region is otherwise undistinguished at optical and radio wavelengths, but it does contain a number of oh and maser sources. 此区在光学和射电波段是不著名的,但却包含有许多OH和微波激射源。 |
| 6. | The king of wu has been slain by an undistinguished young queen ! 吴国的国王居然被楚国的无名小辈女王杀死了! ” |
| 7. | < uk > the region is otherwise undistinguished at optical and radio wavelengths , but it does contain a number of oh and maser sources . < / uk > < uk >此区在光学和射电波段是不著名的,但却包含有许多oh和微波激射源。 < / uk > |
| 8. | Many chinese will take no less kindly to being told the tiger is an undistinguished mongrel , and that miscegenation is the way forward 要是知道华南虎是其貌不扬的杂种,并且只能倚靠混种继而繁衍,许多人中国人定会难以容忍。 |
| 9. | For mr prince , getting guangdong ( and thus china ) right could , by itself , kickstart what has so far been an undistinguished tenure for him 对于普林斯而言,将广发银行(以及中国)扶上正轨,将有力地推动他在迄今为止表现平庸的任期内阔步前行。 |
| 10. | With the rough sets theory , people can process the undistinguished problem using uncompleted information or knowledge . and also enhance the capability to classify the imprecise data coming from observation or measurement 粗糙集理论反映了人们以不完全信息或知识去处理一些不可分辨现象的能力,或依据观察、度量得到某些不精确的结果而进行数据分类的能力。 |