This new idea makes creative photo processing a lot of fun , and lets you upgrade unexceptional photos into various stunning works of art 全新创意,将制作有创意的照片的处理过程变成一种享受,让你升级所有照片变成令人为之一震的艺术品。
A plasma containing 1018 electrons per cubic centimeter ( an unexceptional number ) can generate a wave with a peak electric field of 100 billion volts per meter 电浆每立方公分大约含有1018个电子(一般的数量) ,可以产生峰值电场高达每公尺1000亿伏特的电磁波。
They were too busy to write , so on their behalf i offer this simple , unexceptional tribute in memory of a simple , unexceptional man 大家都没工夫,就让我这个有点儿文痞嗜好的人,写出这篇极其平淡的拙文,算是代表大家给他这个极其平淡无奇的人做个祭,以寄托我们的哀思吧。
Blood is indispensable for saving life . nowadays , china is under its total and overall reform , the transfusion institution is unexceptional facing the impact from such reformation tendency 血液是拯救病人生命的必要物质,在中国各行各业全面进行改革的今天,负责血液采集和供应的采供血行业同样面临着改革浪潮的冲击。
But in a sea change from the gestalt of recent decades , many educators and child psychologists are concluding that less praise is often better and frequent praise for unexceptional actions can actually have a negative impact on children 译:从最近十年的显著变化来看,教育学家和儿童心理学家认为,极少地赞扬小孩好方面,以及过度地赞扬一种普通的行为,的确会给一个小孩带来负面影响
But in a sea change from the gestalt of recent decades , many educators and child psychologists are concluding that less praise is often better and frequent praise for unexceptional actions can actually have a negative impact on children 从近十年完形心理的巨大变化,许多教育学家和儿童心理学家得出这样一个结论:较少的表扬常常更好,对于普通行为的频繁表扬实际上对孩子们有一定的负面影响。
It was not the coat , unexceptional in its cut , though simple and unornamented ; it was not the plain white waistcoat ; it was not the trousers , that displayed the foot so perfectly formed - it was none of these things that attracted the attention , - it was his pale complexion , his waving black hair , his calm and serene expression , his dark and melancholy eye , his mouth , chiselled with such marvellous delicacy , which so easily expressed such high disdain , - these were what fixed the attention of all upon him 那并不是因为他的衣着,他的衣服简单朴素,剪裁也没有什么新奇怪诞的地方更不是因为那件纯白的背心也不是因为那条衬托出一双有模有样的脚的裤子吸引旁人注意的不是这些东西,而是他那苍白的肤色和他那漆黑的卷发,他安详清纯的脸容是那一双深邃表情抑郁的眼睛是那一张轮廓清楚这样易于表达高度轻蔑表情的嘴巴。