In fresh waters, few or no stocks remain unexploited . 在淡水中,未开发利用的种类很少或已没有。
This kind of metal sti1l has many unexploited capabilities 这种金属还有很多未被发现的性能。
More than two - thirds of brazil ' s unexploited hydro - power potential is in the amazon 巴西三分之二以上未开发潜在风力发电能存在于亚马逊地区。
It is their bad luck17 that in many cases these are unexploited mineral - rich regions , that are now coming under pressure18 他们的厄运是,这些地方往往是尚未开发的矿藏丰富区,这些地区现正承受压力。
An unexploited scenic spot of jiuzaigou circular tour area - the tourism resources of ecology and qiang nationality culture and its development in yanmengou area , wenchuan county 汶川县雁门沟小流域生态与羌族文化旅游资源及开发前景
The senate must now consider the bill , along with another , more modest , measure to allow drilling in a hitherto unexploited area of the gulf of mexico 参议院则要通过一个较以往更为温和的法案,允许在墨西哥湾的一些未利用地进行石油开采。
Children 1d . ; and the infinite possibilities hitherto unexploited of the modern art of advertisement if condensed in triliteral monoideal symbols , vertically of maximum visibility divined , horizontally of maximum legibility deciphered and of magnetising efficacy to arrest involuntary attention , to interest , to convince , to decide 如果压缩成三字母单一观念80的记号,那就是:竖着,能够最大限度地看到察觉横着,能够最大限度地读到辨认,还有着不知不觉地吸引人的注意力,产生兴趣,使之信服并采取行动的催眠般功效。
Considering this point and by applying trend surface fitting method and its principles of model optimization , the correspondingly numerical relations between the change of gas content and its spatial distribution in luling coal mine are obtained , based on this result , an accurate , reliable and quantitative forecast of gas in deep stopes and unexploited region can be achieved 结合趋势面拟合及其模型优化的原理和方法分析得出了淮北矿业集团公司芦岭煤矿井田范围内瓦斯含量的变化及分布与其位置坐标的对应数值关系,依据该数值关系可对矿井深部采场和未开采区域实施比较准确、可靠的定量瓦斯预测。