Clinical observation of urolithiasis treated by acupuncture 五联法治疗腰椎间盘突出症
Development on treatment and prevention of canine urolithiasis 犬尿石症的治疗及预防研究进展
Pathogeny analysis , clinical diagnosis and treatment of the dog urolithiasis 犬尿石症的病因分析与临床诊治
Experience in treating urolithiasis by distinguishing between postures and movements 辨动静治疗尿路结石的体会
Differential diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis by dealing with kidney deficiency and damp - heat 从肾虚湿热辨治尿石症
Cases of treating urolithiasis with prof . zhang haifeng ' s concretion - eliminating and stranguria - treating deconction 运用张海峰教授化石通淋汤治疗泌尿系结石56例56
Epidemiological study and the culture and antibiotic susceptibility testing in vitro of mycoplasma in patients with urolithiasis 尿结石中支原体培养和药敏分析及其流行特征
At the jiangsu province of china for three days . we will bring light to research , pre - clinical and clinical development of avian nutritional and metabolic disorders by covering hot topics such as phs of broilers , sds of broilers , fatty liver and hemorrhagic syndrome in laying hens , fatty liver and kidney syndrome , avian skeletal disoders , gout and kidney urolithiasis of poultry , avian amyloidosis , nutrition and immunity , mycotoxin and immunity , herbal medicine and immunity , selenium and glycomicsselenium and cancer 这就迫使我们禽业工作者不得不认真面对之。为此,南京农业大学动物医学院发起和举办“国际家禽营养代谢病学术研讨会( international conference on avian nutritional and metabolic disorders ) ” ,特邀国外68名知名专家和多名国内著名学者做专题学术报告。