The well known painting forms part of a series based on the anglo - irish artists , diego velazquez ' s " portrait of pope innocent x , 1650 " 有名画作系列,是旅居爱尔兰的英格兰艺术家维拉斯奎兹的"教宗英诺森十世" 。
The total public for titian in the 16th century or velazquez in the 17th was probably no more than a few thousand people - though that included most of the crowned heads , nobility and intelligentsia of europe 16世纪的提香(意大利画家)或是17世纪的维拉斯奎兹的画迷大概也没有超过1000人尽管这些人包括了欧洲大部分的皇宫贵族以及知识分子。