Because a victimless crime is still a crime 因为没有受害人的犯罪还是犯罪
It ' s a victimless crime . - ok 这是没有受害人的犯罪-好
- it ' s a victimless crime . - ok -这是没有受害人的犯罪-好
Munce ' s attorney argued that his client ' s infractions amounted to what the lawyer called a victimless crime 万成的律师争辩说,万成的违规行为仅构成不伤害任何人的罪行。
Moreover , this thesis analyses the trends of development of chinese crime phenomena , and emphasizes the study of the relation of the economy globalization and the crime internationalization , the relation of the knowledge economy and the high - tech , the trend of the criminal behavior from urban to rural , the temporary criminal personality of underage criminal , the community remedy of ticket - of - leave men and probation , the precautionary measures of victimless crime . this thesis tries to show the clarity prospect of the chinese crime phenomena types system , master the characters and trends of chinese crime phenomena , service the studying of criminal cause and criminal countermeasure , aim at making some fundamental study for the security and stabilization of chinese society 此外,还进一步分析了我国犯罪现象未来的发展趋势,就经济全球化时代与犯罪国际化趋势、知识经济时代与犯罪的高科技化趋势、犯罪活动由城市向广大农村辐射趋势、未成年犯罪人的临时犯罪人格、假释犯与缓刑犯的社区矫正、无被害人犯罪的防控措施等问题进行了深入探讨,力图展现我国犯罪现象类型体系的清晰图谱,把握我国犯罪现象的特征与趋势,为研究犯罪原因和制定犯罪对策充分服务,为我国社会的长治久安做基础性的研究工作。