| 1. | Vincent lord was in place and available . 文森特洛德恰好在适当的位置上。 |
| 2. | Vincent spaulding did what he could to cheer me up . 文森特斯波尔丁想尽一切办法来宽慰我。 |
| 3. | Vincent had laid his plan bluntly in front of sam . 文森特直截了当地把他的计划提到了萨姆面前。 |
| 4. | Only one thing briefly troubled vincent lord, making him nervous . 另有一件事一度使文森特洛德忐忑不安。 |
| 5. | Women attuned to sensitive men found vincent lord attractive . 偏爱敏感男子的女人,觉得文森特洛德具有魅力。 |
| 6. | Nowhere en route had vincent lord learned to be a pleasant human being . 文森特洛德在他的经历中似乎从未学会做一个和蔼可亲的人。 |
| 7. | She checked her racing thoughts, concentrating instead on vincent lord's words . 她还是克制自己如潮的思绪,集中注意力,听文森特洛德讲些什么。 |
| 8. | An angel looking into vincent lord's soul might well have wondered-why ? 一个能窥视文森特洛德灵魂深处的安琪儿很可能会困惑不解:为什么要这样呢? |
| 9. | Less harmonious was celia's relationship with the director of research, dr. vincent lord . 西莉亚同研究部主任文森特洛德博士的关系就不那么融洽了。 |
| 10. | Vincent lord took over the microphone reserved for witnesses when the afternoon session began . 下午的听证会开始后,文森特洛德接过了为证人准备的麦克风。 |