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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

这正是我需要的 That is what I need.
这正是火上加油 That was adding fuel to the ...
这段历史 this phase of history
这段唱腔要用笛子来配 This passage is to be sung t...
这段好材料我希望你别删掉 I hope you won't leave this ...
这段引文是从报上抄录来的 This quotation is taken from...
这段文章有歧义 This passage is open to diff...
这段相声真哏 The cross talk is funny. cut...
这段艰涩的文字可以作出好几种解释 The involved and abstruse pa...
这比原样差 It is below the original sam...
这毯子没能把床全部蒙上 The blanket did not complete...
这气味我受不了 I can't bear this scent. sma...
这水不适宜饮用 The water is not fit to drin...
这水库给村民们带来的好处不止是在农业方面 The benefit which the reserv...
这水很清 The water is quite clear. qu...
这汤咸味不够 The soup is not sufficiently...
这汽车经过北海公园吗 Does the bus pass the Beihai...
这没啥了不起 This is nothing to speak of.
这没有什么值得兴奋的 It's nothing to get excited ...
这没有好战的意味 It has no warlike significan...
这河堤是匆匆筑成的 An embankment has been throw...
这河的下游能够行驶轮船 The lower reaches of the riv...
这泉水早就干涸了 The spring dried up long ago...
这法子真损 That's a mean trick.
这活儿做得太糙 This is very slipshod work.
这活儿干得稀松 This is sloppy work. unimpor...
这活可真要命 This work is really killing....
这活干得挺像样子 This job has been done well....
这活干得真地道 They have done an excellent ...
这消息使我们非常惊异 The news greatly surprised u...
这消息使我吓了一跳 I was quite taken aback by t...
这消息使我感到一阵喜悦 The news sent a thrill of jo...
这消息别嚷嚷出去 Don't blurt out this piece o...
这消息在德国引起很大恐慌 The news aroused much fear i...
这消息实在太突然了 This news is really much too...
这消息惊动了全城 The whole town was startled ...
这消息我是间接听来的 I heard the news indirectly.
这消息我知道了 I've heard that news already...
这消息激起了工人们的怨愤 The news roused discontent a...
这消息激起了极大的义愤 The news roused great indign...
这消息犹如晴天霹雳 The news was like a thunderb...
这消息给了他们很大的慰藉 The news consoled them a gre...
这消息靠得住 The news is reliable.
这溜没有邮局 There is no post office roun...
这炉子真烤人 This stove is really scorchi...
这炖肉有点腻 this stew is a bit greasy. b...
这点事她一个人办得了 She can handle this by herse...
这点困难她根本不放在眼里 She thinks nothing of a diff...
这点困难算不了什么 A little difficulty like thi...
这点小事你怎么就急得那样儿了 Why let such trifles worry y...
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