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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

这点心松脆可口 The pastry is light and cris...
这点技术也是工作中现学的 What skill I have has been p...
这点活有个两三天就干完了 This bit of work can easily ...
这点破事两分钟就办完了 To settle a simple matter li...
这点礼物是我们大家的一点心意 This little gift is a token ...
这点给养充其量只够维持三天 The provisions can last thre...
这照片比你本人漂亮 This photograph flatters you...
这片子真不错 This film is not bad at all.
这片子适合孩子们看 That film is O.K. for childr...
这片桃树中杂有几棵苹果树 There are a few apple trees ...
这片稻子不见得比那片差 This plot of paddy doesn't s...
这片肥沃的土地上长什么都行 Anything grows in this ferti...
这牛奶里掺了水 The milk has been adulterate...
这牛爱顶人 This bull gores people. prop
这物质和水有亲和力 This substance has an affini...
这玉是真的 This jade is genuine.
这玩意儿是极灵通的 It is of great use.
这班年轻人 a bunch of young people
这班火车是从大连开往北京的 The train is bound from Dali...
这球已打足了气 The ball is fully swelled wi...
这球没进 He's missed it.
这电影蛮好 This is quite a good film.
这男孩因不听话挨了打 The boy was beaten for disob...
这男孩子的嗓音在发育期开始变得粗声粗气 The boy's voice is beginning...
这男孩已长得穿不下他的衣服了 The boy has outgrown his clo...
这男孩是他父母的命根子 The boy is the lifeblood of ...
这男孩是以祖父的名字起名儿的 The boy is named for his gra...
这男孩被学校除名了 The boy is removed from scho...
这画挂得不正 This picture is not straight...
这番话打动了她的心 She was moved by these words...
这番话无非是老师 teacher
这番话说得很透彻 Those words really drove the...
这病不传染 This disease is not contagio...
这病很难除根 It's difficult to find a per...
这病招人 This disease is infectious.
这病真缠手 This is a very difficult cas...
这盒子怕压 This box won't stand much we...
这真使我开眼界 What an eye-opener it's been...
这真是一个颠扑不破的实例 This was really irrefutable ...
这眼山泉干涸了 The mountain spring has run ...
这眼泉干涸了 The spring has run dry. the ...
这着棋十分利害 That's a devastating move.
这着棋太妙了 This is an extremely wise mo...
这礼堂可容纳一千人 This auditorium can hold 1,0...
这票据什么时候到期 When does the bill fall due?
这种丝绸衣服应阴干 This kind of silk clothing s...
这种乌托邦式的梦想根本不可能实现 This Utopian dream is far be...
这种事连小孩都知道 Even a child knows all this....
这种人从来不必为前途担忧 Such people never have to wo...
这种人当然占少数 Such persons are certainly i...
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