Studies on blood protein polymorphism in talimu wapiti 塔里木马鹿血液蛋白多态性的研究
Breeding stock of manchurian wapiti cervus xanthopygus 东北马鹿种鹿
Breeding stock of manchurian wapiti cervus xanthophgus 东北马鹿种鹿
The epidemiological investigation of deer brucellosis in part of province and area demonstrated that brucellosis was universal in raising sika deer and wapiti in china , the positive ratio in female deer was higher than male deer ; the positive ratio respectively was 10 . 06 % 、 4 . 77 % in sika deer and 11 . 15 % 、 4 . 99 % in wapiti 摘要对我国部分省区鹿布氏杆菌病进行流行病学调查表明,我国鹿场饲养的梅花鹿、马鹿群中普遍存在鹿布氏杆菌病,母鹿阳性率明显高于公鹿,梅花鹿阳性率分别为10 . 06 % 、 4 . 77 % ;马鹿阳性率分别为4 . 90 % 、 11 . 15 % 。