Alberta is located in the western part of canada and is the westernmost among the prairie provinces 阿尔伯达省位于加拿大的西部,也是草原诸省中最西部的一个省份。
Stein , m . a . , serindia , detailed report of explorations in central asia and westernmost china , oxford at the clarendon press , 1921 林梅村《汉代精绝国与尼雅遗址》 ,林梅村著: 《汉代西域与中国文明》 ,文物出版社, 1998年,第244 255页。
For several days , newspapers in bavaria and austria ' s westernmost province have been at war over the bear some have named bruno and others petzi , after one in a children ' s book series 随时都可能出现人与熊正面遭遇的情况。绝不能继续任由它四处乱窜了,我们会请猎人把这只熊杀掉。 ”