Such people are the target of the simon wiesenthal center , and rightly so 这些人才是西蒙威森索中心的目标,并且这才是正义的。
This documentary describes the life and legacy of the famous nazi - hunter and humanist simon wiesenthal , who died in 2005 这部纪录片描述著名的纳粹搜捕者、人道主义者西蒙维森塔尔的一生和遗产,他死于2005年。
Efraim zuroff , of the simon wiesenthal centre , said spain had " a pathetic record " in hunting down nazis . " now it is time to make up for years of apathy and inaction , " he said 赛门?维森塔尔中心的工作人员依弗莱姆?祖洛夫说,西班牙追缉纳粹份子的纪录相当不理想,现在是他们补偿多年来的漠不关心和无所作为的好时机,他说。
" in the global interconnected world we live in , it is unacceptable anywhere to seek to promote the policies and images of hitler and nazi germany as worthy of emulation , " said abraham cooper , associate dean rabbi of the simon wiesenthal centre 怀森豪中心的犹太教长亚伯拉罕?库柏表示:在我们这个全球相互连结的世界里,宣传希特勒与纳粹德国的政策与想法,并认为他们值得效法,这在任何地方都是令人无法接受的。