He often mentioned the golden scandals of yesteryear . 他经常提到去年曾轰动一时的丑闻。
There might be a rekindling of the kind of nationalistic fervour of yesteryear 过去的国家主义狂热可能再次被点燃。
Apart from being our wistful treasures of childhood and reminders of yesteryear s pleasures , toys offer a window on life 不过,玩具不仅限于娱乐和玩耍,其实也是社会变迁的写照。
It can turn your not - so - fast machine of yesteryear into a useful subject of your network , and give it a new purpose in its short life 它赋予您那台"慢吞吞"的老机器以崭新的使命,变成网络里相当有用的一员。
Shopping with the charm of yesteryear , a diversity of gift , specialty stores , boutiques and delightful cafes the area is full of character and interest 此项目交通便捷环境优美,毗邻多所各类教育机构,是居家和投资的理想选择。
Veteran film stars are inevitably involved in the tightly - knit realm of love and hate in the movie world . movie talks of the yesteryears are realisation of their recollections spanning generations and years 在艺海江湖打滚数十载的编导演们,往往与电影世界中的江湖结上千丝万缕的恩恩怨怨。
When older pianos are in need of repair , the steinway craftsmen of today sometimes find the chalk signatures of the steinway craftsman of yesteryear written inside the piano in discreet locations 当旧钢琴需要维修时,如今的施坦威工匠有时能在钢琴内部的某些地方找到过去的施坦威工匠们用粉笔留下的签名。
It ' s a recurring dilemma for iconic brands : if their popularity and identity are wrapped up in yesteryear , can they survive major technological and demographic changes 对标志性品牌来讲,这是个经常遇到的两难选择:如果他们的声望和个性与过去的岁月有密切联系,那么,他们能在重大的技术进步和大范围的人口变化中幸存下来吗?
Equipped with latest technology the archive building , opened in january 2001 , houses in it a cinema , an exhibition hall and a resource centre , all equipped with the latest technology to restore glamour to the films of yesteryear 资料馆自二年起隶属新成立的康乐及文化事务署,永久馆址于二一年一月初开幕,馆内设有电影院展览厅资源中心,皆同时启用。