| 1. | Historical pinghua has much bearing on the novel romance of the three kingdoms 摘要讲史平话与《三国演义》成书的关系十分密切。 |
| 2. | The lengthy historical novel " the romance of the three kingdoms " inside , displays obviously censures cao 长篇历史小说《三国演义》里面,表现出明显的贬曹。 |
| 3. | The romance of the three kingdoms is an epic fictional account of china ' s history from 184 to 280 a . d 《三国演义》是一部涉及公元184 ? 280年间中国历史的传奇小说。 |
| 4. | This paper analyses the views on female image in 《 a legend of three states 》 held by mao zong - gang 摘要本文浅析毛宗岗评点《三国演义》中的女性形象时所持的观点。 |
| 5. | Stories about kwan yu are described in detail in the famous historical novel , romance of the three kingdoms 著名历史小说《三国演义》便详细描述了关武帝的英勇事迹。 |
| 6. | The chivalrous accounts in three kingdoms come from historical records , fork legends and the author ' s imaginative creation 《三国演义》中的侠义内容来源于史书记载、民间传说及作者的加工虚构。 |
| 7. | The creative use of verses in the process of narration in chinese vernacular fiction was initiated by the three kingdoms 摘要白话章回小说在叙述中穿插诗词歌赋,这是《三国演义》的一种艺术创造。 |
| 8. | Either in the authorized history or in the famous novel the romance of the three kingdoms , wu is always put in a lower rank than shu 无论是在正史或是在《三国演义》中,吴国的地位始终比蜀国低一等。 |
| 9. | The most popular and influential japanese version of chinese " the romance of the three kingdoms " in modern japan is sangokushi senki translated and adapted by yosikawaeizi 摘要《三国演义》在现代日本流传最广、影响最大的(改)写(翻)译本是吉川英治的《三国志》 。 |
| 10. | The theme in " three kingdoms " is to eulogize the chivalrous spirit and ethics which were highly praised by the chivalrous ancients before the qin dynasty and a historian sima qian in the western han 摘要《三国演义》的主导思想是颂扬侠义,表现、褒扬了先秦古侠和司马迁所归纳推崇的侠义精神、侠义伦理。 |