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English translation for "一一对应"

one to one correspondence
one-one correspondence
one-tenth octave
one-to-one correspondence
one-to-one mapping
one-to-one transformation

Related Translations:
一一:  each; separately; each one; one by one; one after another 短语和例子一一告别 say good-bye to everyone; 一一核对事实 check facts one by one; 一一就座 seat themselves one after another; 一一申辩 justify oneself po
一一告别:  say good bye to everyone
一一映射:  injective functionone to one mappingone-to-one mapping
三九一一:  phoraterampart
一一申辩:  justify oneself point by point
一一序列:  one to one sequencesequence of distinct points
一一关系:  one to one relation
一一亮晶晶:  twinkle twinkle little star
一一就座:  seat themselves one after another
一一表示:  faithful representation
Example Sentences:
1.It is bijective if both injective and sujective .
2.Two sets are said to be equivalent if and only if they can be placed in one-to-one correspondence .
3.It is legitimate to envisage a more or less one-to-one correspondence between cloud nucleus concentration and the concentration of cloud droplets .
4.And you will find a one - to - one match
5.A mapping of one space onto another or onto itself
6.The data fields correspond one - to - one with the columns of the table
7.You can see that the internal name reflects the real name of the unit very well
8.11 . ensure that every channel is correspondent to the relay function respectively
8 .具有同一通道互锁功能,确保通道与语种之间的一一对应
9.But for chinese , japanese and korean ( cjk ) , the one - to - one mapping is impossible
但对于中、日、韩文字( cjk ) ,一一对应的映射是不可能的。
10.Therefore , there is a one - to - one relationship between the vehicle and engine classes
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